Health Benefits of Amla You Should Know

Health Benefits of Amla

Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, has been widely used in East Asian countries since ages. Due to its medicinal properties, it is used in Ayurveda medicine. This magical fruit has a history of more than 1000 years.

It has been scientifically proven that it has 7 times more Vitamin C than orange and 17 times more antioxidant power than pomegranate.

The best part of this super fruit is, it is easily available till date to everyone and it is much more cost-effective when compared to other food. So, know about its major health benefits and make sure to add it to your routine.

Health Benefits of Amla

Fight against common cold and improves immunity:

As said earlier, amla is rich in vitamin C. Regular consumption of vitamin C improves the performance of cells of immune system and makes it stronger to fight against foreign germs.

Due to the same reason, intake of two teaspoons of powdered amla 2-3 times a day has been said to have shown instant results to reduce common cold.

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Improves eyesight and brain health:

Amla is a source of vitamin A and carotene, which improves eyesight. Daily consumption of amla would reduce cataract problem and conjunctivitis (where eyes become red and causes itching sensation & inflammation).

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Vitamin C present is amla helps your body to produce hormones called norepinephrine or noradrenaline. It acts as a chemical messenger that transmits signals across nerve endings in the body.

Helps in weight-loss:

Amla helps in proper digestion and also helps in metabolism; consumption of amla juice on an empty stomach helps to take less food as it reduces appetite and hence contributes to weight loss.

Health Benefits of Amla1

Amla is rich in fiber that reduces constipation-related problems and the alkaline nature of amla strengthens the digestive system.

 Supports cancer treatment:

As it is known that cancer is caused due abnormal tissue growth and it is termed as tumor. Amla has been said to have shown antitumor effect, especially in case of lung and colon cancer.

They prevent the damage at cellular level and also due to anti-inflammatory properties they reduce inflammation at cellular level.

Beautifies hair and skin:

It is one of the most common uses of amla. It is a proven tonic to hair as it reduces dandruff, prevents hair loss, it slows greying of hair, it improves the strength of hair follicle & reduces the chance of damage, softens hair, and reduces split-ends.

Adding amla to oil or any other DIY hair pack you use improves the health of your hair magically.

Amla has natural anti-aging properties. It is also the best treatment for dry or dehydrated skin. Using amla either externally or internally benefits your skin.

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Using amla along with yogurt and honey helps you get glowing skin and it also locks moisture and keeps your skin hydrated.

Natural blood purifier:

Vitamin C makes blood vessels thicker and stronger. Intake of Amla mixed with jaggery acts a blood purifier. Amla due to its anti-oxidizing properties detoxifies the body and jaggery is rich in iron and hence mixture of them helps to improve the hemoglobin level in blood.

Acts against arthritis:

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, amla acts against joint pains and ulcers efficiently.

Regular intake of powered amla with water has been said to have shown magical results.

Health Benefits of Amla 2

These are the main benefits of amla that help you lead a healthy and happy life. If you have easy and direct access to amla, make sure you add this super food to your routine. If you don’t have access, then it is easily available online all over the world. These days, it is a common ingredient of some beauty products and health drinks, you can add them if you cannot bear with direct bitterness of amla initially but make sure you can add it to your diet in some form and get its priceless benefits.

If you find this article helpful or you would like to add your amla experiences, please leave your comments below.

About Health Guru 132 Articles
After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.

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