Tattoos are gaining importance and is very common in young adults. It is observed that almost 3 in 10 adults in America have tattoo. To get a tattoo done, there is a need for you to be 18 at least in most states and also requires parental permission in some states.
With the popularity of the tattoo, lots of parents are concerned about the tattoo’s side effect. Over the recent years, tattoos have become the mainstream culture. The popularity has increased owing to celebrities such as David Beckham and Angelina Jolie flaunting tattoos.
TATTOOS INVOLVED RISK: The fact that this is the case should come as no surprise. Rapidly vibrating syringes can be used by tattoo artists to inject ink into skin’s deeper layers. Bleeding is common, which increases the risk of bacterial skin infection and the spread of blood-borne pathogens like HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B/C. There are, of course, ways to reduce the risks. As a dentist’s office, a tattoo parlour should be well-lit and clean, and the tattoo artist should be a qualified professional, using only new, sterile needles, and just never reusing ink from one client to another.
Parents concern
Parents are not against their teens having tattoos done on their body, but are concerned about the tattoo side effects on body.
Actually, today parents have come out to the mainstream culture, but want their teens to have the tattoos done after attaining 18 years.
Tip: Parents, instead of just worrying about the tattoo side effects, it is right to know your state and city laws for your teens to have tattoos.
The first is parents ask your teenagers what they wish to have on their bodies so that you gain insight of your kids’ minds. Try to understand the motivation your teen has behind a tattoo, than merely acquiring information ‘are tattoos unhealthy’.
Advice: Parents must stay calm and with cool mind understand their teenagers wish to having tattoos that allows your teens to express through them.
How to handle
Handling any unexpected situation is possible only when parents listen and are ready to discuss. After all, it is about your own teens. Overreacting in any way is certainly taking you away from positive results.
The best approach is to have with your teen an open discussion about the tattoo side effects on body. Ask them the purpose to take this decision and also confirm what your permission means to them.
Different reasons
- Tattoos are being done by teens to seek an identity.
- They help in developing deeper bond with friends.
Tip: Parents understanding you kids will reinforce the bond of parent-child. Your fear can tattoos cause cancer will also diminish that you need not ban your teen having tattoos.
Take precautions
- Getting tattoo at any age is risky. Parents should inform their teens about tattoo risks.
- Parents should ensure their teen has complete knowledge about tattoo side effects as these tattoos remain on them lifelong.
- Teens and parents need to be extra cautious before your teens getting the tattoos done so that they ensure the needle is fresh and clean.
- Fulfilling a passion such as tattoo also involves pain. So teens must bear in the mind that swelling and pain will remain for few days after the tattoo. In fact, some may develop fever as well.
Regarding Tattoos, ensure it is a two-way communication. Accepting the urge of teens to have tattoos should include parents’ concerns ‘are tattoos unhealthy’. However, gently voicing opinions is essential, but realize that the permission granted is purely out of understanding and respect.
Remember the tattoos is bringing a difference in your child and as a caution parents check the salon is reputable, clean and they use sterile needles.
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