How To Get Rid Of Acne Fast & Naturally

How to get rid of acne fast & naturally

How to get rid of acne fast & naturally

I have always hated the fact that we get pimples so often. The changes your skin goes though can turn the whole look upside down. Excess sebum secretion can lead to this issue. They can occur on face, neck and back as well.

Honestly, I have tried the beauty products but they never worked out for me. That’s when I switched to home remedies. Here’s how you can get rid of acne.

How to get rid of acne – Home Remedies

Let’s start with first one…

1. Tea tree oil

My skin is sensitive hence I rely on this remedy to clear off the pimples. Tea tree oil is known to have antibacterial properties in it that can remove the dead skin cells. The soothing properties in it can reduce the inflammation and also dry the black heads.tea tree oil - How to get rid of acne

How to use:

  1. Take a cotton ball and dip it in this oil. Apply on your face and let it stay for some time.
  2. You can also mix aloe vera gel to this one and apply on your skin. Leave it for a few minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

2. Toothpaste

Did you know this can be used to treat pimples as well? Get rid of acne overnight as you apply this one.


How to use:

  1. Apply directly on the affected areas.
  2. Wash off in the morning and notice your pimples fade.

If you wish to do it during the day then keep it for an hour for effective results.

3. Steam

Steam is known to have many benefits. It opens the pores and lets the skin breathe fresh air once again. get rid of the excess oil as you rely on this remedy.

Steam is known to have many benefits

How to use:

  1. Fill a container with this one and let the steam come directly on your face. Cover your head with a cloth.
  2. Rinse off later with lukewarm water and then apply a moisturiser.
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4. Garlic

It is known to have antiviral as well as anti fungal properties that can treat pimples faster. The sulfur in it can also heal the pimples.

Garlic on face

How to use:

  1. Cut the cloves and rub it on your pimples. Leave it for some time.
  2. Wash off with lukewarm water and you can repeat this twice a day.

You can also eat it raw as it purifies the blood but not in excess as it can lead to stomach issues.

5. Honey

I used to drink this daily with hot water. Not only that, this can be useful now for your pimples as well. It can prevent infections due to the natural antibiotics in it.

Honey on face

How to use:

  1. Dip cotton it and apply on your skin. Leave it for sometime and then wash it off.
  2. Follow this few times in one day.
  3. You can also mix cinnamon to this one and apply on your face. Wash off with cold water later.

6. Cucumber

It is known to be rich in vitamins and potassium as well. The cooling properties in it can prove to be quite effective for the skin texture.

Cucumber on face

How to use:

  1. Cut it in pieces and soak in water for some time. The nutrients in it work well on the skin.
  2. Strain it and drink it. You can also wash your face with it.
  3. Make a mask of this one by grinding it and apply on your face. Let it stay for a while and clean it. This is known to clear the pores and also dirt on your face fades.

7. Papaya

I love eating this fruit but it also known to be grant good skin texture. The antioxidants in it have enzymes that can reduce inflammation and make skin softer.

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Papaya on face

How to use:

  1. Crush it well and take the juice out. Apply on your pimples and leave it for a while.
  2. Use this as an exfoliating mask and use these pieces to apply on your face with honey. This paste will give you a better skin texture. Massage well for effective results.

8. Peppermint oil

The astringent in this one work well on the pimples. It also diminishes the redness on the face. You can use this one on all the affected parts of the skin.

Peppermint oil

How to use:

  1. Apply this one directly on your face.
  2. You can also mix it with vitamin E oil.
  3. Leave it for a few hours and then apply once again.

Warning: Do a test of this one first if you have sensitive skin.

10. Epsom salt

It is known to clean the skin and also kill the bacteria. I used it once and noticed a significant change in my skin. It also balances the pH level of the skin.

Epsom salt

How to use:

  1. Take epsom salt and water.
  2. Apply on your face with cotton and wash it off later. You can repeat this twice a day.

Final word: Hope you understand How to get rid of acne using home remedies. We’re sure they will remove the acne without any further ado. If you are also using some remedies then write us in comment.

About Health Guru 134 Articles
After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.

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