Periods generally arrive once a month but symptoms such as flow, cramp severity are not consistent and due to which many women become unsure of the exact date of their mensuration cycle and this is the reason why app market is flooded with period trackers but it’s hard to find best period tracker apps.
For the majority of women, period occurs every 28 days but the period cycle may be either longer or shorter and bleeding can occur anytime from day 21 to day 40. If your period is not regular then you can check reason for irregular period and here we have also brought you best period and ovulation tracker apps.
Periods may last for 3–8 days, while on average it may be for 5 days. Bleeding is usually heaviest on first 2 days and starts to become lighter afterward.
Period tracking is helpful in identifying any changes to your period cycle that may indicate any potential health issues. Moreover, period tracking apps tell you when you are likely to be most fertile when you are avoiding pregnancy or trying to become pregnant.
There are several apps that analyze menstruation cycle, let’s see which the best fit are for us..!
Medical News Today has tested apps to bring you a selection of the top apps to start tracking your menstruation.
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Here are the best period tracker apps
1. Flo period tracker
When you are wondering what was the date when you last had your periods or you are willing to know when your next one is about to start, you can easily get to know through Flo period tracker app. Flo uses machine learning to reliably and accurately predict menstruation.
Using the app’s bold and easy calendar, you will be able to know menstrual symptoms, sex drive, and flow. This app also tracks sleep, water consumption, and physical activity.
2. Period Calendar
This is a free app for android and iPhone. It helps track and predict your period, it also provides information on potential ovulation date.
In addition to period tracking, this app also records intercourse, birth control, cervical mucus, mood, and other symptoms.
If you need to remember to take medications, supplements, birth control pills, the pill tracker ensures that you don’t forget your dose ever.
3. My Calendar
This is an elegant, and much customized period tracker app. It can help those with irregular periods as well as it will deal with worries such as conceiving, birth control etc.
With this app, you can track regularity of periods, temperature, weight, moods, symptoms, and flow.
You can have all your essential information at a glance through my calendar app, this app also contains password protection to ensure your privacy.
4. Clue
This app has been ranked as the top menstruation and ovulation tracking app by the Obstetrics & Gynecology journal, which is a publication of the American College.
Clue uses science to help its users to identify different patterns in their period cycle. The Clue also tracks multiple moods, your health and your periods. but as far as mood part is concern I would suggest you don’t trust this app as no one can tell a girl’s mood (if you know what I mean).
The developers has promised that this app to be inclusive of all age. In this app, the more clue you use, the smarter it will become.
5. Eve
This is a savvy period tracker app that predicts upcoming periods and chances of pregnancy. Discover your period cycle by knowing your moods and symptoms and view your health data in adorable charts.
With Eve, you can do both review past periods and forecast future periods and ovulation cycle. This app visualize tour cycle history in an interactive staircase.
This app provides access to a group and community of people where you can discuss periods, sex, and health. If you are concerned about anything, ask the community. You may learn from people who may have had similar experiences.
6. Period Plus
Period Plus will help you to keep in touch with the time of your menstrual cycles and tells you when the next periods will begin.
The app sends you reminders about your next period, helping you to get to know your time of period and plan ahead with birth control, pregnancy planning’s etc.
Period Plus also tracks breast tenderness, cramp intensity, migraines, sexual activity, breakouts, pregnancy test results, sleep patterns, and much more thing.
I think this is the best period app any lady can have because this app tracks more information than any other apps.
7. Glow
Glow not only tracks your periods but also record symptoms, sexual activity, and medications. Glow’s calculates menstruation and ovulation through data’s mentioned which helps women to control their reproductive health.
Its predictions become smarter by time. This app doesn’t even help women who are avoiding pregnancy but also who are attempting it. This also helps women who are undergoing fertility treatments.
You can make charts set medication, birth control, and ovulation reminders.
8. Cycles
No matter whether you are trying to conceive or become an expert on when your next period is about to come, My Cycles will help you. This app tracks periods in a handy calendar and predicts future ones.
View your periods at a glance with the easy-to-read calendar, and plan periods for the next 12 months. You can do much more with this app.
These are the best period tracker apps which makes your life as a woman easy and simple.
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