Popular Low Carb Diet Menu

Popular Low Carb Diet Menu

Eating and keeping carbohydrate consumption to a minimum is not always easy. Many articles may tell you to eliminate this food and that food, and they may give you a few examples. Yet, it is popular these days, to have a varied eating plan, and it may be best to give you several different suggestions. This way, you can make your own low carb diet menu, and it will be to your liking. Here are some ideas for four days of eating. Remember that all bread and salad dressing will be the low carbohydrate kind. These suggestions are taken from several popular plans, that are found online.

Popular Low Carb Diet Menu

Day One

Breakfast can be a sausage omelet with jalapeno peppers. If you do not like the heat, you can substitute bell peppers. You may wish to drink coffee or water with your meal.

For lunch you might wish to start with a grilled hamburger on a slice of bread. It will be fine to have a slice of American cheese on your burger, too. A green salad will be a nice addition, also.

Dinner can be something like a grilled chicken breast with some steamed vegetables. Cauliflower and broccoli may work well, in this case. Later you might want to have a snack consisting of one fourth cup of almonds.

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Day Two

You might want to start day two with a big bowl of cereal and some blueberries. Strawberries will also work. If you are still hungry, you may wish to include a poached egg.

Your midday meal can consist of a grilled chicken breast with one cup of green beans. Add some other vegetables like radishes or cucumber slices. Pour yourself some salad dressing to dip the vegetables in.

When you sit down to eat dinner, try broiled lamp chops with mushrooms. You might also like to add a large salad. For an evening snack, celery slices with peanut butter may be very satisfying.

Day Three

You can start your day out with a cup of plain yogurt. Add fresh strawberries to the yogurt. Include several slices of crisp bacon, also.

Lunch might be interesting if you have a shrimp salad. It can be served over lettuce with salad dressing. Have a nice big glass of iced green tea. Sweeten the tea with an artificial sweetener, if you like.

Dinner may be grilled salmon streaks with lemon slices. Feel free to add slices of peppers of mushrooms, too. A salad may go well with the salmon, also. For an evening snack, you might reward yourself with an energy bar that fits into your diet plan.

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Day Four

Breakfast might be sausage, with bacon, and two fried eggs. The eggs can be fried with a vegetable spray applied to the pan. If you have a large cup of black coffee, it may help to fill you up, until lunch.

At lunchtime have a big chef’s salad. Throw some cheese chunks, and your favorite meat into it. Turkey or ham will work well.

At dinner, you might try roasted pork tenderloin. Saute some peppers or broccoli to go with it. For a snack, try a hard-boiled egg and some bacon.


A low carb diet menu does not have to be boring or redundant, and these four days may show you how to break the monotony. Use these ideas as guidelines and come up with your own plan. This way, it will be just what you want.

About Health Guru 133 Articles
After working as digital marketing consultant for 4 years Deepak decided to leave and start his own Business. To know more about Deepak, find him on Facebook, LinkedIn now.

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